
Описание к видео #125

Join Emilia Smith and Alan Lazaros on The Conscious Couples Podcast to explore how pride can impact love and relationships. In this episode, they define pride, share relatable examples of its effects, and introduce the Love-to-Pride (LTP) ratio—a key to sustaining a loving partnership. Learn practical advice on balancing accuracy and humility in your interactions, ensuring a healthy and harmonious relationship. Tune in for a concise yet impactful discussion that will help you and your partner navigate the complexities of love with greater awareness and intention.

Show notes:
(0:00) Intro
(2:35) Defining pride and its effects on relationships
(4:11) Love to Pride "LTP" ratio
(4:57) Four horsemen and bids for connection
(7:46) Practical application of the LTP ratio in daily life
(10:09) Julie, a listener to The Conscious Couples podcast, shares why she subscribes and listens consistently.
(12:10) Accurate perception
(14:18) What you measure changes the way you play
(16:21) Constructive conflict
(19:13) Outro

Book a FREE Relationship Talk: https://calendly.com/alanlazaros/30-m...

Join us on Relationship Talks Event #37 on Thursday, July 18th, 2024, at 05:00 pm Eastern Time: “How to Prevent Devices From Destroying Your Relationship" https://bit.ly/3XEOGOf


Follow us on Instagram:
Emilia Smith @evolvewithemilia
Alan Lazaros @alazaros88

Email: 💬
[email protected]
[email protected]

Learn more about The Conscious Couples: http://www.theweuniversity.com

Thanks for joining us for another episode of The Conscious Couples Podcast. We love connecting with the Conscious Couples community, so please make sure you follow us on Instagram. If you enjoyed this episode and would like to hear more, it would mean the world if you subscribed, left us a review, and shared this with someone you love and care about. Until next time, remember, it’s not about you or me; it’s about The We!


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