Roland v. Bernstein (1991) Overview | LSData Case Brief Video Summary

Описание к видео Roland v. Bernstein (1991) Overview | LSData Case Brief Video Summary

A patient sued a neurosurgeon, his professional corporation, an anesthesiologist, and a hospital in a medical malpractice case. The hospital and anesthesiologist settled, but the case proceeded to trial against the neurosurgeon and his corporation. The jury found fault for each defendant and awarded damages of $1,965,000, with the neurosurgeon being 47% at fault. The trial court reduced the neurosurgeon's liability by the settlement amounts and entered a judgment of $565,000. The appellate court reversed this decision, stating that joint and several liability no longer applies, and allowed for the settlement amount to be deducted from the verdict to arrive at the judgment against the remaining defendant.

Roland v. Bernstein (1991)
Arizona Court of Appeals
171 Ariz. 96, 828 P.2d 1237

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