吳君如 主演 香港鬼電影搞笑經典之作|猛鬼撞鬼 (國語) Funny Ghost|吳君如|樓南光|陳百祥|江欣燕|ENG/繁/簡CC字幕|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01

Описание к видео 吳君如 主演 香港鬼電影搞笑經典之作|猛鬼撞鬼 (國語) Funny Ghost|吳君如|樓南光|陳百祥|江欣燕|ENG/繁/簡CC字幕|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01

【ENG/繁/簡CC字幕】猛鬼撞鬼 (Funny Ghost)|樓南光(Billy Lau、南光樓)、陳百祥(Natalis Chan、叻哥)、江欣燕(Elvina Kong、欣欣)、吳君如(Sandra Ng、洪興十三妹):舞女阿如(吳君如 飾)是個爛賭鬼,她借姐妹們的錢高價賭馬,結果輸了個精光。走投無路之下跑到最好的朋友阿娥(江欣燕 飾)的住處籌款,並以死相威脅。偏巧阿娥被男友騙盡錢財,絕望至極遂決定與阿如同赴黃泉。阿如極不情願地與好友嘗試用各種方法自殺,然而都以失敗告終。最後阿娥希望跳樓自盡,盲打誤撞阿如卻自己栽了下去。阿如失足墜樓大難不死,誤打誤撞拾獲大哥雄的一袋錢和一個石盅。大哥雄派殺手樓南光追殺及取回石盅,因為石盅內藏有大哥雄從法師手上以高價買來的鬼仔,擁有它便會心想事成。警方派出兩神探(陳百祥和曹查理 飾),偵查墜樓的真相。阿如與阿娥自獲得石盅後,逢賭必贏,不斷有銀紙自動上門,同時又遭樓的追殺及兩神探的跟蹤,正是莫名其妙。

Taxi dancer Sandra puts herself head over heals in debt because of gambling. Trying to have a loan from her close friend Yummy under treats of suicide, Sandra pretendedly pushes Yummy down a tall building but falls down from the roof top herself. She not only has a narrow escape but has the windfall of picking up a chest of money and a china vase with a spirit belonging to big brother King Kong. With the help of the spirit, Sandra and Yummy win so much that they almost lose their sense. They want to keep the vase to themselves so they have to get away from the pursuit of Liller Billy send by King Kong for the vase, and two mysterious detectives. Will the two girls land their wish of getting rich with their "magic wand" and how will the story end?

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💬粵語版本 Cantonese Version:   • 冼杞然 監製 吳君如主演 喜劇恐怖電影|猛鬼撞鬼 (Funny Ghost...  

吳君如 主演 香港鬼電影搞笑經典之作|猛鬼撞鬼 (國語) Funny Ghost|吳君如|樓南光|陳百祥|江欣燕|國語CC中字|ENGSUB|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01

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