Teruna Jaya: Ni Ketut Arini Alit

Описание к видео Teruna Jaya: Ni Ketut Arini Alit

Ni Ketut Arini Alit dances Teruna Jaya

Dance choreographed by I Gede Manik from Jagaraga, Buleleng, Bali
Music performed by Gamelan Semara Ratih, Ubud, Bali

The Living Treasures of Bali
Performances by eminent elder Balinese performing artists with Gamelan Semara Ratih
"Banyu Pinaruh dan Bulan Purnama"
26 December 2004
Pura Dalem, Ubud, Bali
These performances are part of a series of "seniman tua" (elder artist) performances organized by Gamelan Semara Ratih periodically since the early 1990's. The artists are all master performers and have been deeply influential in the Balinese performing arts. These performances and videos serve to recognize these artists' contributions and preserve their art for future generations.
For more see http://www.semararatih.org/
Higher-quality versions of these videos are can be found at http://www.archive.org/details/The_Li...
Creative Commons license:
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States


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