Gerard Butler 2011-Gimme Shelter

Описание к видео Gerard Butler 2011-Gimme Shelter

Hello there! (^^)/ It's New Year's Eve again, and here is my third "video of the year". This is a summary of Gerry's year as seen from the Spanish language website Suffer (It has been made with little time, but with lots of love, and it's a lengthy one so, as I always say: please, bear with me! :-) It is dedicated to the wonderful Suffers at Suffer, who have inspired me to do this, and to my dear friend Chiko in Japan, who is also a constant source of inspiration and support. It is also dedicated to our warrior, Gerry Butler, with our best wishes for him. He will not watch it (thankfully, LOL!) , but perhaps he will feel it, and receive the love of his fans and supporters somehow.
I thank you all! Happy 2012 to Gerry's fans all over the world! (*^-^*)/

I'm using the same disclaimer as usual: Many of these images are from all over the web, and in some cases I don't even remember where I got them! If any of you see a photo that belongs to you or I'm infringing any copyright, please, just tell me and I'll credit you or remove that part from the video. (Please, don't! I'll die if I have to change it! m(_ _)m)

Este vídeo está dedicado con todo mi cariño a todas las Suffers de Suffer ¡Gracias por vuestro entusiasmo, sentido del humor, creatividad y dedicación, y sobre todo por vuestra amistad. ¡¡Sois las mejores!!


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