2018 ANTHC Year in Review: Connecting Tribal Health

Описание к видео 2018 ANTHC Year in Review: Connecting Tribal Health

When pursuing a vision as great as the Consortium’s, we require the broadest view of health possible. ANTHC is connecting improvements in Alaska Native health to other health factors in the lives of the people we serve. ANTHC makes connections between our medical care, our homes, our environments, our education and our Alaska Native lifestyles and traditions. Specialty medical care at ANMC connects the Tribal health network across the state. Community health programs connect us to wellness resources. Environmental health and engineering connect utilities and community health infrastructure. Training and education opportunities connect effective solutions to the needs of the Tribal health system.

Across the state, ANTHC connects many partners to achieve our vision. ANTHC makes connections between all of these factors to improve Alaska Native health.

This year’s annual report and video recognizes achievements from 2018, building on our previous successes – accomplished through our Tribal leadership and work to connect the Tribal health system – for the health of our people.


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