Log Debarking Has Never Been Easier (Testing Log Peeler Disc)

Описание к видео Log Debarking Has Never Been Easier (Testing Log Peeler Disc)

When you find something this good you want to share it. After thinking about the how bad my back and body hurt after using my draw knife for any length of time, I was really happy to come across this tool that makes debarking logs a lot easier and faster. The log peeler disc as shown in today's video is setup on my 9" angle grinder and provides for a super fast removal of this red pine bark. I've very recently come across this log peeler disc tool and today is the very first time I"ve tried. Check out what it can do with a first-time operator at the helm. The results are shocking.

Log Peeler Disc Only from Alberta Forest and Garden

Log Peeler Disc Spare Blades from Alberta Forest and Garden

Log Peeler Disc and Angle Grinder Package from Alberta Forest and Garden

Alberta Forest and Garden
1220 Meridian Rd NE
Calgary, AB T2A 2N9
(403) 248-0878
[email protected]

‪@abforestgarden‬ #sawingwithsandy #logcabin #woodworking


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