DEAD MINT - The Grandads Don't Indicate Story

Описание к видео DEAD MINT - The Grandads Don't Indicate Story

DEAD MINT The Grandad's Don't Indicate Story is a love letter to the seaside town of Scarborough, Yorkshire, UK and a celebration of a true DIY punk spirit that it spawned. Dead Mint documents the career of the mischievous musical outfit Grandads Don't Indicate. Born from the friendship of best friends Denis and Steve, they evolved from a bedroom recording project into a band staging regular absurdist concert performances. Inspired by US underground rock of the 1980s and defined by their playful humour, they penned tributes to the sights of their beloved hometown of Scarborough, through which they guide us in this warming documentary.

"I love music and being with creative people. Combine this with a scything wind off the North Sea and the conditions are perfect for Scarborough band "Grandads Don't Indicate". They were never a joke band. They were more authentic than all the spiky haired pretenders. They added their name to other people's posters in biro, blagged their way in, borrowed guitars and unpacked their carrier bags of noise. I wanted to make a film about them to pin them to a place and time like wriggling beetles. I want someone to watch them in 50 years, pick up a kazoo, sticky tape and cardboard and have confidence to build their very own magical bubble of mayhem".

Director William Bartlett 2022

Running Time 1 hr 35 min


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