Shoulder Slopes Demystified: Why Is the Front More Angled?

Описание к видео Shoulder Slopes Demystified: Why Is the Front More Angled?

Shoulder slope impacts your fit more than you think. Find out what affects the shoulder slope and how an incorrect angle affects your garments.

This video discusses the importance of understanding and customizing your shoulder slope for well-fitting garments.

You might be wondering why the shoulder slope of your clothes can vary between the front and back patterns and how it affects the fit. Here you'll see how to examine your shoulder slope in the mirror and take a photo for reference.

The shoulder slope doesn't need to be the same in the front and back, as it depends on your body shape. The low point shoulder, which is where the armhole seam generally rests, varies based on individual body shapes. A forward or rotated shoulder can result in a different angle between the front and back shoulder slopes.

Also, bear in mind that that shoulder shape plays a role. A straighter or concave shoulder shape will interact differently with varying necklines in patterns.

Customization of shoulder slopes is crucial for achieving a proper fit, as patterns often have standardized slopes that may not match your unique body shape.

Common fitting issues related to shoulder slope adjustments, such as horizontal or diagonal drag lines, are discussed. Horizontal drag lines suggest a need to decrease the slope angle, while diagonal drag lines indicate a requirement for a steeper or more angled shoulder slope.

Overall, understanding and customizing your shoulder slope can greatly improve the fit and comfort of your clothing.

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