【字幕付き】DIY bikecamper roomtour and coffee lunch from Japan

Описание к видео 【字幕付き】DIY bikecamper roomtour and coffee lunch from Japan

DIY bike camper room tour and coffee lunch.
The room size is 135cm (185cm when extended) long, 85cm wide, and 90cm high.
As I'm 165cm tall, I can sleep when extended.
I can cook at the door table, and at the inside table I can cook or do some work.
After making a lot of mistakes in the course of building, I managed to build this camper for myself. A long-held desire to try a nomadic life by bike enabled me to make it.
I've made some overnight trips towing this camper, which were all completely pleasant unusual experiences without spending money.
I strongly recommend everyone trying making one.

室内のサイズは、縦135cm(リア部拡張時185cm) 、橫85cm、高さ90cmです。私の身長は165cmなので、リア部を拡張すれば中で寝ることができます。また、ドアテーブルでは料理を、室内テーブルでは料理やちょっとした料理をすることができます。

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#石川東大塾Web class and bike camper


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