How to Remove Background in Photoshop! (Fast & Easy)| Photoshop Tutorials 2023

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How to Remove Background in Photoshop?

In this tutorial I will show to how to remove background in adobe photoshop 2023 in Hindi.

Removing the background in Photoshop can be done using various techniques, and the most suitable method depends on the complexity of the image and your preferences. Here's a step-by-step guide using a commonly used method:

Method 1: Using the Magic Wand Tool
Open the Image:
Open your image in Photoshop.

Select the Magic Wand Tool:
In the toolbar on the left, select the "Magic Wand Tool" (shortcut: W). Adjust the tool's settings, like Tolerance, at the top menu, depending on the image. A higher tolerance will select a broader range of colors.

Select the Background:
Click on the background area. The Magic Wand Tool will select pixels with similar colors. Hold down the Shift key to add to the selection if necessary.

Refine the Selection:
Refine the selection using the "Add" or "Subtract" options in the top menu. You can also use the Lasso Tool (shortcut: L) to manually add or remove parts of the selection.

Inverse the Selection:
Once the background is selected, go to "Select" in the top menu and choose "Inverse." Now, the subject is selected instead of the background.

Delete the Background:
Press the Delete key on your keyboard to remove the selected background.

Adjustments (if needed):
Fine-tune the selection or make additional adjustments using tools like the Eraser Tool or Refine Edge.

Save or Export:
Save your image in the desired format (e.g., PNG) to preserve the transparency.

Method 2: Using the Pen Tool
Open the Image:
Open your image in Photoshop.

Select the Pen Tool:
In the toolbar, select the "Pen Tool" (shortcut: P).

Create a Path:
Outline the subject by creating a path around it using the Pen Tool. Be precise and create curves as needed.

Make a Selection:
Right-click on the path and choose "Make Selection." Set a feather radius if desired.

Delete the Background:
Press the Delete key on your keyboard to remove the selected background.

Adjustments (if needed):
Fine-tune the selection or make additional adjustments using tools like the Eraser Tool or Refine Edge.

Save or Export:
Save your image in the desired format (e.g., PNG) to preserve the transparency.

Remember to experiment with different methods to find the one that works best for your specific image. Additionally, newer versions of Photoshop may have additional tools or features that can simplify the background removal process.

Certainly! Using the "Select and Layer Mask" technique in Photoshop can provide more flexibility and non-destructive editing. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Select and Layer Mask:
Open the Image:
Open your image in Photoshop.

Select the Subject:
Use any selection tool of your choice (e.g., Magic Wand, Lasso, Pen Tool) to select the subject you want to keep.

Create a Layer Mask:
With the subject selected, click on the "Add Layer Mask" icon at the bottom of the Layers panel. It looks like a rectangle with a circle inside. This will create a layer mask based on your selection.

Refine the Mask (if needed):
If the mask needs refinement, you can paint on the mask using a soft brush. Black conceals and white reveals. Select the mask thumbnail in the Layers panel and use a brush to refine the edges.

Invert the Mask (if needed):
If your initial selection was the background and you want to keep the subject, you can invert the mask. Right-click on the mask thumbnail and choose "Invert Mask."

Adjustments (if needed):
Make any necessary adjustments to the mask or the overall image. You can use adjustment layers or other tools to refine the appearance.

Save or Export:
Save your image in the desired format (e.g., PSD for a layered file, PNG for a transparent background).

By using layer masks, you keep the original image intact, and any changes are reversible. This allows for non-destructive editing, making it easier to go back and refine the mask or make other adjustments as needed.


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