Simple Ways to Send Email from Linux Using SMTP - Tutorial by Mailtrap

Описание к видео Simple Ways to Send Email from Linux Using SMTP - Tutorial by Mailtrap

#mailtrap #mailtraptutorial #linuxemail #linuxskills #linuxterminal #emails #webdevelopment

In this Mailtrap tutorial, we teach you how to configure smtp server to send email in Linux. We will also show you 7 simple ways for linux send email smtp commands. We cover: curl, mail, mpack, mutt, swaks, ssmtp, and openssl. From the installation to the script execution, we cover every step of the process!

00:00 - Intro
00:18 - Sending with curl
01:32 - Sending with mail
04:53 - Sending HTML email with mail
05:30 - Sending attachments with mail
06:02 - Sending to multiple recipients with mail
06:42 - Sending with mpack
08:05 - Sending with mutt
08:50 - Sending with swaks
09:46 - Sending with ssmtp
11:09 - Sending with openssl

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📝 For more information on sending emails in Linux, visit Mailtrap Blog: 
🔗 How to Send Emails using Linux: In-Depth Guide

Or watch the videos:
▶ Linux Test Email:
   • Linux Test Email - Tutorial by Mailtrap  
▶Send Email from Linux with Email API:
   • Expert Email Hack: Send Emails from L...  

Stay tuned!

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