Touhou Lostword Divergent Spirits | L1 Sanae | L1/Gen Only CLEAR Comp

Описание к видео Touhou Lostword Divergent Spirits | L1 Sanae | L1/Gen Only CLEAR Comp

A begrudging thanks to Parsee for correctly pointing out my hubris in thinking that my original strategy that used only 5 units would work. Special thanks to Ran for being the 6th unit I needed to meet the final Gauge damage requirements.
(Ignore the few minutes after the initial upload where the video was public without a descrption.)

Requirements. 0:00
Turn Order:
T1. 1:14
Yuyuko: Switch.
Kyouko: Switch.
Parsee: All Skills, Graze twice, Boost twice, SC1.
Keiki: All Skills, Graze twice, SC1.
Medicine: Skill 3, Graze twice, SC1.
T2 (Everyone Full-Broken). 1:56
Parsee: Boost twice, SC3.
Keiki: Target Sanae, Boost twice, SC3.
Medicine: Boost once, SC3.
T3 (First Gauge Burst). 2:24
Parsee: SC2.
Keiki: Max Graze, SC2.
Medicine: Boost twice, LW.
T4. 2:54
Parsee: Graze twice, Target Sanae, SC2.
Keiki: Graze twice, SC4.
Medicine: Target Sanae, Skill 1 and 2, Graze twice, Spread Shot.
T5 (Sanae and Hecatia Full-Broken). 3:32
Parsee: Boost once, SC4.
Keiki: Boost thrice, SC2.
Medicine: Boost twice, Focus Shot.
T6 (Second Gauge Burst). 4:09
Parsee: Skill 1 and 3, Boost thrice, LW
Keiki: Skill 1 and 3, Boost thrice, LW.
Medicine: Switch.
Ran: Graze twice, SC1.
T7. 4:51
Parsee: Switch.
Keiki: Switch.
Yuyuko: All Skills, Graze twice, SC1.
Kyouko: Skill 2 and 3, Graze thrice, SC2.
Ran: All Skills, Graze twice, SC2.
T8. 5:30
Yuyuko: Boost twice, LW.
Kyouko: Skill 1, Boost thrice, LW.
Ran: Boost thrice, LW

Card Setup:
Yuyuko: +10 Running Late, Yang ATK Stick, Yang ATK Stick, Yang ATK Stick, +10 Little Sister and Sweets.
Parsee: +10 Taking a Breather in Spring, +10 Summer Rocket, +10 Picaresque Kitties, +10 Psuedo-Shikigami, +10 Phantom Pain.
Kyouko: Any, +10 Lunar Capital Stasis Plan, Any, Any, +10 Physician Assistants.
Keiki: +10 Taking a Breather in Spring, +10 WoSD, +10 Picaresque Kitties, +10 Allow Me, +10 Spring in the Underworld.
Medicine: +10 Redder Than Blood. Yin ATK Stick, +10 Taking a Breather in Spring, Yin ATK Stick, +10 Gaze Upon the Flowers.
Ran: +10 Choose an Animal Spirit, +10 Running Late, Yang ATK Stick, Yang ATK Stick, +10 Spring in the Underworld.

1. A handful of fringe cases give justification for the inclusion of this list of Instant Loss Scenarios:
   A. If Medicine is Delayed on Turn 2 or 3, restart.
   B. If either Yuyuko or Kyouko are Delayed on Turn 8, restart.
   C. If anyone isn't Full-Broken or bursted on the Turn they're supposed to, restart.
   D. If Parsee, Keiki, or Medicine die before Turn 4, restart. Medicine can die during Turn 4, but the other two can't.
2. Either instance of Spring in the Underworld is replacable by an MLB TataeLost. This is achievable by clearing Level 110 and simply clearing the corresponding Ruins of Memory stage.
3. A lot of cards here have alternatives. So prepare yourself for another collection of Potential Card Replacements:
    Picaresque Kitties》Non-MLB Ability Cards.
    Summer Rocket》Double Party Barrier Card.
    Choose an Animal Spirit》Anything. If you choose not to Graze with Ran.
    Little Sister and Sweets》Infinity Garden.
    Running Late》Beach Sanshoku Geidontei.
4. Both Ran and Yuyuko are replacable by a suitable final Gauge nuker. A myriad of high rarity options exist. L80 Kasen, F1 Koishi, and E1 Patchouli are just a few examples. Although, if you already have at least one of those units, you should have an extremely easy time finding a Comp of your own. If a replacement is found, placing a P link in Yuyuko's position is still ideal.

5. Kyouko is replacable by practically any debuffer who assists with your final nuke.
6. Medicine's place can be taken by someone who nukes the first Gauge along with applying either Poison or Burn for Keiki to break. E1 Patchouli and L80 Yuyuko are easy solutions.

For any questions about the comp or potential card alternatives ping "! some dood#9675" or "some.dood" in the Touhou Lostword Discord Server.


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