"When She Loved Me" Complete My Pride MAP

Описание к видео "When She Loved Me" Complete My Pride MAP

After exactly one year of production, I present you the finished When She Loved Me MAP!
I would like to thank all the people who helped working in this project, it turned out very well and it is nice to be able to share it with everyone now!
Special thanks to dawnsky, my cohost    / @eboyfantast2in  !

Thanks to this project I made a lot of cool friends and I am very grateful for that.

0:00-0:03 Intro. Łeiko    / @movedchannels7273  
0:04-0:06 1. ‪@bluefang3873‬
0:07-0:09 2. Squirrelcatwarrior    / @squirrel4343  
0:10-0:13 3. ‪@teekonu‬
0:14-0:17 4. ‪@sammysnickerdoodles7780‬
0:18-0:20 5. Finchii    / @finchiii  
0:21-0:24 6. ‪@WhiteLiolynx‬
0:25-0:30 7. Dapplesprings    / @takatanen  
0:31-0:37 8. _citrusbeetle_    / @__vampireghost__  
0:38-0:46 9-10. Sunclaw OwO    / @sunclawowo  
0:47-0:54 11-12. EvieStardust    / @eviestardust_animations  
0:55-1:01 13-14. dawnsky    / @eboyfantast2in  
1:02-1:10 15. Sarah Sketch    / @spacecadet8612  
1:11-1:17 16. Availian    / @availian  
1:18-1:22 17. Splair & Fluffy Flatypus    / midgetwolfpup   &    / @fluffyflatypus  
1:23-1:30 18. Da Costa Animation Studios    / @dacostaanimationstudios5997  
1:31-1:40 19. KitKat Enthusiast    / @kitkatenthusiast9525  
1:41-1:45 20. ‪@GreatSylveon2007‬ & ‪@teekonu‬
1:46-1:49 21. Darkpool OwO    / @lemoonz.  
1:50-1:53 22. Moonbeanie Warrior    / @moonbeanie  
1:54-1:56 23. JJ Jinkies    / @jjjinkies4465  
1:57-2:00 24. ‪@Adrianimations‬
2:01-2:04 25. ‪@simplysapphic1472‬
2:05-2:09 26. ‪@JasperGleam‬
2:10-2:13 27. ‪@leoteodia.6952‬
2:14-2:17 28. ‪@Kelsifer‬
2:18-2:21 29. Happyfuz1    / @happyalkina  
2:22-2:25 30. ‪@TheNeonWarren‬
2:26-2:33 31-32. ‪@JasperGleam‬
2:34-2:41 Outro. ‪@Kelsifer‬
2:42 Credits

Rosia    / @rosia4309  


"When She Loved Me" - Sarah McLachlan    • When She Loved Me - Sarah McLachlan -...  
"My Pride" Episode 5 - Tribbleofdoom    • My Pride: Episode Five  
"Rain Effect" - audioman5000    • Rain Black Background Overlay Video E...  
"When She Loved Me" - Randy Newman    • When she loved me - Randy Newman (pia...  

Original MAP Call:    • Видео  
My Discord Server:   / discord  
My Discord Name: teekonu#6540


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