How to Convert Kruti to Shusha

Описание к видео How to Convert Kruti to Shusha


How to Convert Kruti to Shusha

Unicode Converter: you can now convert real text with English and Hindi mix directly to Unicode. It supports Kruti to Mangal/Shusha and Shusha to Mangal/ Kruti.

Key Features:

•The first tool in the Market which supports True Conversion of Unicode it means you can now convert real text with English and Hindi mix directly to Unicode.

•Convert Kruti Text into Shusha font.

•Convert Shusha Text into Kruti font.

•Unicode Editor for Typing in Mangal Font via Kruti Style (Remington).

•Unicode Editor for Typing in Mangal Font via Shusha Style (Semi-Phonetic).

•Easily switch between Hindi and English while typing.

•Use Hindi as well as English digits in Editor.

•Easily format your text.

•Support Remington Style Typing for Unicode.

•Maintain English Text while conversion.

•No need to format document for English (True Unicode Conversion).

•Converts thousands of words in a minute with 100% accuracy.

•Save converted text in RTF/TXT format which can open in MS Word.

•Preview converted data in MS WORD/NOTEPAD/HTML BROWSER and can save in Word & HTML.

•Print directly from the application or create PDF.

Hindi Unicode converter, text to Unicode, Devnagri script editor, Unicode converter, Fonts converter, Unicode editor, Hindi font converter, Unicode converter

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