Perpetual Power of the Nature | EBS Nature Documentary | EBS Docuprime [Return]

Описание к видео Perpetual Power of the Nature | EBS Nature Documentary | EBS Docuprime [Return]

This video is the clip from EBS Docuprime [Return] - Part 2

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Latest Nature Documentary by EBS, Docuprime [Return]

Ecosystems are so sensitive that minor external impact can destory them easily.
Especially the human impacts are critical to the fates of other species.
Species may become endangered because of the human impact, but on the one hand they surprisingly recover themselves if those interventions vanish.
Nature is known to have great resilience.
Through these wild creatures which became endangered because of human species yet flourished as human impacts disappeared, we want to investigate the great power of resilience and cure of the Mother Nature.

[Return] Part 2, Disappearing OR Returning

Think of the responsibilities of humans on the ecosystem where the survival of the species are decided by human impacts by comparing the wild animals with similar ecological niche in the nature.
Rhinoceros become endangered as their horns have been used for medicines by humans for thousands of years. As an alternative for rhinoceros horns, Saiga antelopes are hunted by people. Musk deers are damaged because of their musk is used by humans.
Mongolian gazelles and long-tailed gorals have similar ecological niche with saiga antelopes and musk deers but they are not endangered which means that human impacts are so severe on the crisis of those animals' extinction.
This documentary will also focus on amazing resilient power of the nature with the case of otters and gorals which become nearly extinct in South Korea but now has enough population thanks to the reduction of human impacts.
You can see the vivid visual of musk deers which were once considered extinct in South Korea.


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