What The Hell Happened To Mirror's Edge Series?

Описание к видео What The Hell Happened To Mirror's Edge Series?

Mirror's Edge, which, funnily enough, came from DICE and EA, who've very much become emblematic of the risk-averse approach to game development that defines the AAA space in this day and age.

Very much a prime example of a cult classic, the original Mirror's Edge has a dedicated fan following that swears by the game to this day, and even though its sequel fell short of expectations in more ways than one, there's no shortage of people out there who'd love nothing more than to see the series make a comeback.

Sadly, that looks quite unlikely, because Mirror's Edge isn't in a very good place. What was once one of EA's most promising and interesting franchises has quietly receded into the background and all but died off- but how exactly did we get to this point? What the hell happened to Mirror's Edge?


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