Vineyard Scene - London - Ernst and Hanschen

Описание к видео Vineyard Scene - London - Ernst and Hanschen

Jamie Blackley and Harr McEntire do their scene and solos.

This was filmed with the most OBNOXIOUS audience of all time. I saw the show many times in a row and this was BY FAR the most rude and immature audience that I saw it with. Every other time I saw the production, the audiences laughed at the appropriate places and were quite mature and respectful. Unfortunately it was THIS day that we filmed. Attempt to enjoy the acting and ignore the audience.

Filmed at the Lyric Hammersmith on March 11th, 2009. There is NOT a full show, only selected scenes/clips. I put these up as a way for people who never got a chance and will never get a chance to see the amazing London cast.


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