Rommy Hofler in conversation with David Bingham

Описание к видео Rommy Hofler in conversation with David Bingham

Email: [email protected]
Rommy saw David's video "Deborah realizing her True nature" on the 24th of October where she heard the words "effortless Being" for the first time and this instantaneously lifted the "who am I-strain" that had manifested throughout the many years of seeking.
Instead it became a soft gazing at (and later OF) the subtle and delicious presence that is always there.
In the days prior to meeting David, Rommy discovered John Wheeler (can it say: "thanks to David or David's teacher?") whose relentless and clear approach hammered the main message home over and over again. Something inside her knew and more than resonated.
On the 4th of December, as Rommy drove in her car, not expecting anything, she heard Krista Ruffoni in her meeting with David casually exclaim in the very last minute of their conversation: "You are ít already!". This was followed by a very loud laughter in the car.
This video is about the first days settling into self-realization, looking around fully aware and being astonished that there really is no Rommy-person and everything still being there without the problematic and energy-draining weight and all too familiar suffering of the thought she believed to be.
It shows the search for truth that started at a very young age, through meaningful and (appearing as) not so meaningful moments with various teachers and how effortless Being has, through intuition, always been there, lovingly guiding her along the way. Getting a glimpse from David into what this body-mind may be used for in the dualistic world with being-consciousness-bliss in the driver's seat.


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