Effortless Application Distribution with Liquidware FlexApp One and Rimo3 Cloud

Описание к видео Effortless Application Distribution with Liquidware FlexApp One and Rimo3 Cloud

FlexApp One revolutionizes application distribution for offline, Work-From-Anywhere scenarios, especially for well-managed laptops and desktops.

Users can effortlessly access applications by simply double-clicking the FlexApp One container, distributed via Microsoft app management or any file system. This flexibility ensures continuous user productivity, regardless of location.

What You'll Learn:

- How FlexApp One simplifies application distribution
- Using FlexApp One for offline and remote work scenarios
- The role of Microsoft app management in distributing FlexApp One containers

Key Takeaways:

- Maintaining productivity with FlexApp One's flexible distribution
- Ensuring seamless adoption and deployment with Rimo3's automated validation platform
- Proactively identifying and addressing application and workspace updates to prevent production issues

Rimo3 Cloud enhances this by offering an automated platform to validate FlexApp One packages, ensuring seamless adoption and deployment. Its ongoing configurable automation proactively identifies impacts from updates to applications and workspaces, allowing timely remediation to prevent production issues or loss of user productivity.

Resources Mentioned:

Liquidware FlexApp One + Rimo3: https://www.rimo3.com/liquidware/

About Rimo3:

Rimo3 is a leader in automated pre-deployment testing, packaging, and migration of your Windows application estate. The Rimo3 Clouds uses unattended automation to modernize package formats and test application readiness for Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows 365, Azure Virtual Desktop, as well as identifying MSIX and multi-session suitability.


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