十周 "你们分什么彼此" 🤣 Yizhou 罗一舟 x JOJO 唐九洲 (ENG SUB/CC)

Описание к видео 十周 "你们分什么彼此" 🤣 Yizhou 罗一舟 x JOJO 唐九洲 (ENG SUB/CC)

看吧,大家都知道他们是不分彼此的!Everyone knows they belong together, they are not "other people"! 😝
My subtitles may not be the best but I hope my rough translation helps! 😊 "不分彼此" English Definition: Make no distinction between what's one's own and what's another's. Share everything. Be on very intimate terms. (https://www.hujiang.com/ciku/454_1975...)

Full video credit to @蜜糖盒子比巴卜 on Weibo

#罗一舟 #唐九洲 #十周 #luoyizhou #tangjiuzhou #shizhou #十周cp #磕糖


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