battwin RC vs nighthawk and barn swallows

Описание к видео battwin RC vs nighthawk and barn swallows

The plane is unique with its tractor pusher design and 1s cell. Weight 60 grams. I flew it on a 260mah, 450 mah and a 150mah. It did best on the bigger cells.

Originally it was meant to be a pusher but it was too sluggish so decapitated the bat and glued another motor in. They are 8mm brushed motors 65mm props. The wing is a KFM2 standard design. No spars.

On one of the flights I was almost strafed by an adult nighthawk If you have the resolution and stop action you can clearly see his markings. I think there were about 5-6 barn swallows after it not long after.


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