BRAND NEW ROCKET FAST Schindler Port traction elevators @ Summit One Vanderbilt Midtown New York, NY

Описание к видео BRAND NEW ROCKET FAST Schindler Port traction elevators @ Summit One Vanderbilt Midtown New York, NY


First off these things accelerate like a fucking high speed Mitsubishi it’s insane. Second off the presentation is soooo fucking cool I absolutely love it. Third off these things are the 6th elevators installed in the US to be 1800 FPM & the first Schindlers to do so. I absolutely love these things so much & the observation deck overall is fucking amazing.

Unfortunately out of every observation deck in the US this one has the most security & they did not let me take multiple rides on the elevators. I felt like I had to determine the speed so I decided to ask someone else to record the ride down while I speed tested. Unfortunately like always they recorded in vertical cam so I’m sorry for the vertical cam footage on the ride down. Anyways with all that in mind, enjoy this video!

Tech Specs:
Brand: Schindler
Model: 7000
Speed: 1800 FPM
Floors Served: 4 (-1, L, 91, 92)
Fixtures: Port
Indicator: Acme
Year Installed: 2020


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