Pathology practicals I INSTRUMENTS in Pathology I part 1 I Identification, Uses.

Описание к видео Pathology practicals I INSTRUMENTS in Pathology I part 1 I Identification, Uses.

In this tutorial i have tried to explain the identification points of various instruments used in Pathology. The uses of these instruments have been mentioned too.
The detailed description of each of these instruments along with the procedure will be dealt in separate videos.
The instruments covered in this part are
1. Esbach’s albuminometer
2. Urinometer
3. Wintrobes tube
4. Lumbar puncture needle
5. Vacutainer tubes
6. Westergren pipette
7. Neubauer counting chamber
8. Salah bone marrow aspiration needle
9. Sahli’s hemoglobinometer set
10. Vim silverman liver biopsy needle

The earlier videos on practical pathology can be accessed here in then playlist    • Practical Pathology: ACTINOMYCOSIS  

Click on website for more content for undergraduate students in pathology.

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