ESEA Season 18 & Season 19 Fragshow

Описание к видео ESEA Season 18 & Season 19 Fragshow

A fragshow featuring frags from ESEA season 18 and 19, as well as the season 18 LAN finals.

I know season 19 isn't even finished yet, but I could either add another song and 3 minutes to the video and include everything, or finish the movie at 11½ minutes. I chose the lazy way out!

Carpenter Brut - Roller Mobster
Kevin Seaton - Scrub Down
Carpenter Brut - Meet Matt Stryker


A few slow-mos have poor framerates. This is due to the footage having inconsistent framerates, as I've recorded this over a long period of time and failed to keep track of everything. Sorry about that.

Anyway, enjoy your 11 minutes of frags.


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