Trying Clip Studio's Animation Feature for First Time Part 2

Описание к видео Trying Clip Studio's Animation Feature for First Time Part 2

Just a raw unedited screen record of me trying to make 2D animation clip with CSP. You can see my taste of music through this too (as well as me trying to figure out things).

Actually, I have created a very rough draft in Blender (also still new to that software) and imported it to CSP to be draw over because I don't feel comfortable about drawing in Blender, and I didn't record when I made those draft in Blender.

Ps: I'm not animator, my main skills are still 2D illustrations, graphic design, and comic. I haven't created many animations in my life and they aren't truly good or full-fledged like anime. But recently, I'm trying to branch to other skills including 3D modelling and animations (I will show them if possible) since creative jobs is getting tighter :(


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