Arrival of 'Vortex 388' @ Plymouth Airport [HD]

Описание к видео Arrival of 'Vortex 388' @ Plymouth Airport [HD]

Vortex 388, an RAF Chinook HC2 from 7 Sqn based at RAF Odiham in Hampshire Coming in for an approach to R/W 31 at Plymouth City Airport (EGHD) for a refuelling and 4 hour stop over. I was told about this arrival so was able to get myself ready for it. Although knowing about it, things didn't pan out as i was told. I was told 2 Chinooks would be coming but only one arrived. I was told they were due in at 22:00 but that was changed to 19:00 at last minute even though they arrived at 18:42. With the arrival time changed their original departure time was also changed to 23:00 they called in asking for this time because "Their ship wouldn't be ready for them" Their final call before i started recording was "388 is approximately 5 miles south of Wembury" When i heard this i got ready and seconds after i had a visual of 388 coming in for an approach. The video does get jumpy in a couple areas as i had to manouvre around various obstructions whilst recording. ATC Can be heard at beginning but soon becomes drowned out by the sound of the Chinook and its 2 Lycoming T-55 Turboshaft Engines lol


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