BETA 7.3 - Astral Ring Trio Long Rotation - Honkai Impact 3

Описание к видео BETA 7.3 - Astral Ring Trio Long Rotation - Honkai Impact 3

Note: At SS Senadina gains an extra ULT EVA charge. Sub-SS Sena users may have to make a small tweak to this rotation due to having only one ULT EVA charge. After dodging Sena can attack to consume ULT EVA charge and connect to Basic SEQ 3 (when the button prompts show). If your ULT EVA charge isn't ready you can simply use Basic Attacks until the button prompts show and continue from there. I recommend saving Sena's mid-rotation ULT EVA charge for when Astral Ring is activated since time is limited and you want to maximize damage with the other two characters (especially Coralie).

Side Note: I finished the Rotation with Coralie's ULT but that probably isn't ideal. You'd more likely use Senadina's QTE and restart the rotation.

Start with Senadina: EVA, ATK (triggers TF and connects to Basic SEQ 3), Follow Button Prompts. After the final button prompt her Team Buff will be applied. If you have an excess of damage you can skip all the button prompts (and Team Buff) and just switch to Helia but Sena's team buff adds a lot of extra damage to Helia's and Coralie's attacks.

Helia: Use her WA until the gage drops below the white line then press WA to end the attack (Applies Helia's Team Buff). Use WA again to toss a bomb, ULT. The WA bomb can be skipped but it applies paralyze trauma after 7 hits. Note at SS Helia's ULT automatically applies her team buff allowing you to skip her WA if you don't need the damage.

Coralie: WA twice, ULT. Her WA applies Team DMG buffs (3 stacks max) and Flaming Stacks (5 max). Flaming stacks are consumed on her final WA to make it do more damage and restore her SP.

Senadina: Follow button prompts. After final attack EVA, ATK, follow prompts, Activate Astral Ring, ULT, Follow prompts (Creates Resonance Mark), EVA, ATK, follow prompts. Sena's ULT can be used before or after these attacks but I think you gain some time from animation cancelling when you use it immediately after AR activation.

Helia: WA (Creates Resonance Mark), ULT. During AR Helia will automatically end her WA. Only end it manually if you don't need the damage.

Coralie: WA until her gauge is depleted.

Switch to Senadina and restart.

During Astral Ring Sena and Helia will create Resonance Marks. These marks add extra damage to AR characters resonance attacks. The end of Helia's WA and all of Coralie's WAs trigger extra damage from these marks. Coralie gets big synergy damage from repeatedly activating both of these resonance marks. Coralie's resonance attacks do almost a quarter of the whole rotation's damage

~God Bless~


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