【発酵体験第三弾】『梅びしお』毎日食べたい!飲みたい!ナイロン袋で簡単1分。体調不調の時に効果発揮。自然のお薬とも言われる梅びしお茶。【How to make ume bisio】

Описание к видео 【発酵体験第三弾】『梅びしお』毎日食べたい!飲みたい!ナイロン袋で簡単1分。体調不調の時に効果発揮。自然のお薬とも言われる梅びしお茶。【How to make ume bisio】



 ●梅干し     8個(100g)【塩分7~8%】
 ●りんごシロップ 大2(はちみつでも可)
          りんごシロップ動画参考   • 【りんごシロップ】★天然ジュース『発酵体験第一弾』初心者歓迎。無添加の万能...  

  ●醬油麹  小1 (次回第四弾で醬油麹つくります)
●番茶   100~150㎖(三番茶)


材料●納豆   1パック
  ●梅びしお 小1
  ●醬油麹  小1(次回第四弾で醬油麹つくります)
  ●ネギ   少々

材料●ブロッコリー  150g   (小分けにしてボイルする) 
●マヨネーズ   大1
  ●梅びしお    大1
  ●粒マスタード  小1
  ●ニンニク    少々 おろしニンニク (お好みで)
  ●塩コショウ   少々
  ●粉チーズ    (最後にふりかける。)

材料●トーフ       2㎝四方 2切れ
  ●鶏ハム       2切れ(前回の鶏ハム動画参考に)  
   • 【発酵体験第二弾】『塩麹』を作ろう。初心者歓迎。万能調味料・うまみ成分ばつ...  
  ●きゅうりの輪切り  4枚    
  ●梅びしお      大1

材料●長芋   5㎝  短冊カット酢水にくぐらせキッチンペーパーで水分をとる。
  ●梅びしお 大1/2  梅びしおをのせて盛り付ける


[3rd Fermentation Experience] "Umebishio" I want to eat every day! Want to drink! 1 minute with a nylon bag. Effective when feeling unwell. Umebishi tea is said to be a natural medicine. 【How to make ume bisio】

Hello .I'm Ocha from Manma's Fermented Kitchen.
Today I would like to make the second [Shio-koji].

Umebishi tea has long been enjoyed as an all-purpose drink.
Recommended for strengthening gastrointestinal organs, improving metabolism, countering cold sensitivity, starting to catch a cold, headaches, hangovers, when you are worried about your condition, when you want to get in shape, and when you wa.

●Umeboshi 8 pieces (100g) [salt content 7-8%]
● Apple syrup 2 tbsp (honey is also acceptable)     • 【りんごシロップ】★天然ジュース『発酵体験第一弾』初心者歓迎。無添加の万能...  

[5 selections ① Umebishi tea] (diet allowance, all-purpose drink)
● Umebishio...Large 1
● Soy sauce koji… 1 small (I will make soy sauce koji in the next part 4)
● Bancha: 100-150ml (3rd grade tea)
● 2-3 drops of ginger juice (you can also use ginger syrup), if you like

All you have to do is put it in a hot water bowl or mug and pour in the tea.
(Drink it every morning before breakfast)
★As food allowance, it was swallowed up in various places.
Umebishi tea has long been enjoyed as an all-purpose drink.

[5 Selections ② Umebishio Natto] (Soy sauce, koji, syrup, and natto are all fermented foods, with outstanding health benefits)
●Natto 1 pack
 ● Umebishio 1 small
 ● Soy sauce koji 1 small (I will make soy sauce koji in the 4th installment next time)
 ● green onions
             Just mix everything~

[5 Selections ③ Groccoli Caesar Salad]
  ● 150g of groccoli (divided into small portions and boiled)
  ● Mayonnaise 1 large
  ● Umebishio 1 large
  ●Grained mustard 1 small
  ● Garlic A little grated garlic (optional)
  ● A little salt and pepper
  ● Powdered cheese (Sprinkle at the end.)
             Just mix everything~

[5 selections ④] Otofu 2 cm square and chicken ham on top of cucumber slices for a canape style! ]
  ●Tofu: 2 pieces 2cm square
  ●Chicken ham 2 slices (refer to the previous chicken ham video)    • 【発酵体験第二弾】『塩麹』を作ろう。初心者歓迎。万能調味料・うまみ成分ばつ...  
  ●Cucumber round slices 4 pieces
  ● Umebishio 1 large
Served in an hors d'oeuvre style and topped with umebishio.

[5 Selections ⑤ Yam Umebishio]
  ● 5cm long yam, cut into strips, soaked in vinegar water and blotted with kitchen paper.
  ● 1/2 large umebishio dish served with umebishio on


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