The Stomps: Love Saga Turned Tragedy

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What really happened to Jerry Stomps on the fateful day of his disappearance near Oxbow Park? Join us as we explore the baffling true crime story of Jerry and Hazelynn Stomps. The story begins with the harrowing discovery of an injured Hazelynn Stomps near the Gordon Creek Bridge in the rural community of Corbett, Oregon. For good Samaritans Gerald Ford and James Pogue, that startling discovery sets off a surprising chain of events revealing just how quickly a love story can turn into tragedy. 

We’ll put together the puzzling pieces of the unsettling case beginning with a bizarre incident involving Jerry and Lynn at a local park. Their meeting with a potential buyer for their fishing boat takes a dark turn when an unknown man attacks them, leaving Lynn in the hospital severely injured, and Jerry missing. As we piece together the events, Lynn provides crucial details about their meeting with a man named Dave, raising questions about the true motives behind this violent encounter and the confusion that ensues.

Troubling clues are unearthed as we continue to examine the investigation, following the violent attack that Lynn described. For one, Lynn's suspicious behavior starts raising eyebrows as the search and rescue efforts prove fruitless. We’ll discuss this and other aspects of the investigation leading us to the discovery of vital evidence including a concealed gun in, of all things, a fanny pack found in the couple’s home. With mitochondrial DNA evidence linking the human remains found on their property (*Spoiler Alert!*) to Jerry, a troubling suspicion becomes harsh reality for the couple’s family & friends. Maybe the Stomps’ marriage wasn’t exactly a story book romance, after all. Finally, we’ll reveal the prosecution’s theory about Lynn's ill-fated attempt to stage her husband's “accidental” death, as well as reflect on her conviction, and the massive financial fallout for their family.

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