GRADE 4-5 Reading Comprehension Practice I SUMMER VACATION I Let Us Read! I with Teacher Jake

Описание к видео GRADE 4-5 Reading Comprehension Practice I SUMMER VACATION I Let Us Read! I with Teacher Jake

SUMMER VACATION I Reading Comprehension Practice with Questions to Answer

This summer vacation is the best one for me. It is very exciting. My family and I go on a fantastic trip to the beach. We drive for hours to the coast. We build sandcastles, play beach volleyball, and splash around in the waves. We take a boat tour and see dolphins leaping gracefully out of the water. As the vacation comes to an end, I feel a mix of happiness and sadness. I am sad to leave the beach behind. Summer vacation is fun.
1. What is fun and exciting for him?
a. This friends' vacation
b. This winter vacation
c. This summer vacation
2. What is the fantastic thing they do?
a. The trip to the country
b. The trip to the beach
c. The trip to their house
3. How does he feel as it comes to an end?
a. mix of happiness and sadness
b. mix of happiness and fun
c. He feels nothing at all

- Summer Vacation at the beach
1. c. This summer vacation
2. b. The trip to the beach
3. a. mix of happiness and sadness


My parents drop me off at the campsite. I am ready for a week filled with fun activities and new friends. The camp is in the forest, surrounded by trees and chirping birds. The air is fresh and crisp. I join the other campers. Our camp counselor greets us with a big smile. First up is a nature hike. They teach us about different plants and animals. We swim in the crystal-clear lake. We play games. We gather around the campfire for snacks and storytelling.

1. Where do the parents drop him off?
a. At his friend's house
b. At the school
c. At the campsite
2. Where is the camp located in the story?
a. It is in the forest.
b. It is in the school.
c. It is in the beach.
3. They gather around the campfire for ____.
a. snacks and making fire
b. snacks and storytelling
c. snacks and playing games

- Summer Camp: at the campsite
1. c. At the campsite
2. a. It is in the forest.
3. b. snacks and storytelling


My semester break is finally here! No more homework, no more tests—just pure freedom for two whole weeks. The first thing is to go to sleep until late in the morning. "Good morning, sleepyhead!" My mom and dad greet me with a smile. We have breakfast together, laughing and sharing stories. We plan to have fun as a family. I also have to meet my friends here in town. It's been a while. It is good to be back at home.

1. The boy tells the story about ____.
a. his summer vacation
b. his school suspension
c. his semester break
2. Whom does he have a plan to have fun with?
a. With his mom and dad
b. With his school friend
c. With his best friends
3. What does he feel about going back home?
a. It is sad to be back home.
b. It is good to be back home.
c. It is good not to come back.

- Semester Break: go back home
1. c. his semester break
2. a. With his mom and dad
3. b. It is good to be back home.


Comprehension, or extracting meaning from what we read, is the ultimate goal of reading.

This video is used to practice the reading and understanding of the students in the class.

This will cultivate the students' love for reading, develop their oral and reading skills, and train them in critical reading and thinking.

Teacher Jake


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