Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons - Final Story Battle

Описание к видео Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons - Final Story Battle

0:00 - The Void awakens
1:19 - Battle with the Void
2:38 - Allies take their positions
3:43 - Defending the extractor
6:15 - The Commander dies... Or do they?
7:16 - The Commander becomes a Super Sayian God
8:42 - Jormag, the Elder Dragon of Ice and Persuasion
11:08 - Primordus, the Elder Dragon of Fire and Conflagration
13:10 - Kralkatorrik, the Elder Dragon of Crystal and Fury
15:01 - Mordremoth, the Elder Dragon of Plant and Mind
17:21 - Zhaitan, the Elder Dragon of Death and Shadow
18:57 - Soo-Won, the Elder Dragon of Water, corrupt by the Void
21:57 - The Dragonvoid: Time and Space, The All and The Nothing
23:58 - Purifying the Dragonvoid
24:14 - The aftermath
27:25 - Final cutscene, the end of an era


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