Daksinamurti - Hocus Pocus Mix (Sangoma Records)

Описание к видео Daksinamurti - Hocus Pocus Mix (Sangoma Records)

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Magic represents a category used in the study of religion and the social sciences to define various practices and ideas considered separate to both religion and science. The category developed in Western culture although has since been applied to practices in other societies. Various different definitions of magic have been proposed. Within Western culture, the term "magic" has been linked to the idea of the Other, and with the idea of "foreignness".

“Magic has often been dismissed as either primitive and irrational and therefore alien to modern society, as inherently opposed to the Judeo-Christian traditions of the West, or as incompatible with religion in general. These antipathetic sentiments are deeply embedded in Western culture, and the term magic has typically been used to describe non-mainstream beliefs and practices — non-Christians, heretics, non-Westerners, indigenous, ancient or 'primitive' cultures — any that might be considered 'Other.' The image of magic as inherently linked with the Other has functioned as an important factor in the construction of the self-identity of Western culture, for by defining magic as something alien, exotic, primitive, evil, deviant or even ridiculous, our society also makes a tacit statement as to its self-perceptions." – Historian of religion Henrik Bogdan

Many of the practices, which have been labeled magic, can be performed by anyone. For instance, some charms can be recited by individuals with no specialist knowledge, while others require specialized training in order to perform them. Some of the individuals who performed magical acts on a more than occasional basis came to be identified as magicians, or with related concepts like sorcerers, witches, etc. There is a connection between language and magic is due to a belief in the inherent ability of words to influence the universe. Whether spoken out loud or unspoken, words are frequently used to access or guide magical power. A spell, charm or even mantra is a set of words, spoken or unspoken, which are considered by its user to some magical effect and apply to most cultures around the world. Spells can be used in calling upon a spirit, a deity or other supernatural agent, or to prevent a person from taking some action or in forcing them to remain on some path of action. Another potential source of the power of words is their secrecy and exclusivity. Much sacred language is differentiated enough from common language that it is incomprehensible to the majority of the population and it can only be used and interpreted by specialized practitioners. Hocus Pocus is such a word with a magic but unknown meaning same as other famous one like Sim Sala Bim , Abbracadabra, Alkazam etc. The origin of the phrase “Hocus Pocus” remains obscure. It was first mentioned in an old English text from 1635. During time – it became synonym also for nonsense and things people don’t understand. This 2,5 hour set was recorded October 2017 at the Psyalaska party in the Slovakian mountains.


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