Stay or Leave - Dave Matthews (full song)

Описание к видео Stay or Leave - Dave Matthews (full song)

Stay or Leave, by Dave Matthews Band

323 plays all time, and one of the select few songs that have been played Dave solo, D&T, DMB, and D&F. It’s only been played in an encore two times, at the Atlantic City and Chicago Caravan shows in ‘11, and someday maybe I’ll tell you all the story about why that AC performance caused the single best concert experience I’ve ever had.

Stay or Leave is played in raied b tuning, which is B E A D F# B. My IEMs are just giving me back my guitar post Session Di pedal, so I’m flying blind here like I usually do, keeping time in my head. I played along with D&T at Radio City Music Hall a couple of times before recording, so for those of you familiar with that one, hopefully I’m pulling through a little bit of that sound and feel in my video.

Here’s your 😘 🥃 by the 🔥edition of #60secondsofdmb


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