バッハ【マタイ受難曲「憐れみたまえ、我が神よ」】/Bach【 Matthaus Passion(Erbarme dich, mein Gott)】

Описание к видео バッハ【マタイ受難曲「憐れみたまえ、我が神よ」】/Bach【 Matthaus Passion(Erbarme dich, mein Gott)】

「憐れみたまえ、我が神よ」(Erbarme dich, mein Gott)は、ヨハン・ゼバスティアン・バッハのマタイ受難曲(BWV 244)の第39曲にあたる非常に有名なアリアです。このアリアは第2部に位置し、イエスを三度否認した後のペテロの後悔と悲嘆を描いています。イエスの受難に対する深い悲しみと神の憐れみを求める切実な祈りが表現されています。

"Erbarme dich, mein Gott"is a very famous aria, the 39th of Johann Sebastian Bach's Matthew Passion (BWV 244). This aria is located in the second section and depicts Peter's regret and grief after denying Jesus three times. It expresses his deep sorrow over the Passion of Jesus and his earnest prayer for God's mercy.
The text of this aria is Peter's recognition of his sin and his tearful plea for God's mercy. He says, "Have mercy on me, my God, because of my tears. It includes lyrics such as, "Behold, my heart and eyes weep bitterly before you," and deeply expresses Peter's pain and remorse.
Musically, the aria is composed in the key of D minor and features accompaniment by strings and a basso continuo (organ or harpsichord). The solo violins, in particular, play a beautiful melody throughout the aria, which proceeds as if in dialogue with the sung part. The melody of the violins is smooth, reminiscent of a stream of tears, and brings out deep emotions.
The addition of the solo alto voice further emphasizes the poignant emotion. The vocal part is very emotional, and contains a depth of repentance and prayer. The tempo is slow, and the overall rhythm is calm and consistent, with each phrase carefully articulated.
Pity me, O my God" has been performed by numerous singers and conductors and is especially appreciated for its depth of emotional expression. Performers are expected to have a deep understanding of the meaning of the lyrics and to convey strong emotions to the audience. It is considered one of Bach's finest works and continues to move many people as a masterpiece of religious music.
There are many masterful performances in the recordings, for example, renowned alto singers such as Andreas Scholl and Nancy Argenta perform this aria beautifully. By listening, one can strongly feel the deep spirituality of Bach's music and the human sorrow and hope contained in the Passion story.


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