Let's Play Power Rangers Legacy Wars Game: Unlocking Green Power Ranger!

Описание к видео Let's Play Power Rangers Legacy Wars Game: Unlocking Green Power Ranger!

Hiya Kids! Today Let's Play Power Rangers Movie Legacy Wars! We'll be playing on the IOS, and Work through characters such as the Movie Version of Red Ranger, Black Ranger from DINO Charge and Mighty Morphon Power Rangers Green Ranger!
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We are constantly finding new adventures and ways to spend time together through laughter, gaming, challenges and traveling the world together.

Originally known as KidCity, we’ve been producing family-based content on Youtube and other social media for over 7 years, and we’re still having a blast! We’ve recently laid the foundation for many more years of new content through a rebrand to K-City. It was inevitable - we had to grow up! On things has not changed: we've always strived to model a healthy family and home that loves God and each other with everything we've got!


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