Master Cyclonis Tribute

Описание к видео Master Cyclonis Tribute

This was actually one of the videos I wanted to make ever since I started my channel but kept putting off. Anyway so while I’m not really that crazy about this show, Storm Hawks, mainly because most of the episodes are filler and the villains barely even show up in it, one thing I did adore was the main antagonist: Master Cyclonis. Despite basically being a teenage girl, she’s a cunning, manipulative, fascist dictator who controls an entire empire of subordinates simply through cruelty. However, that’s actually not really the main reason why I like her so much as you can probably say the exact same thing about a lot of other villains out there. What I really like is that it’s hinted multiple times (even if it’s never really explored or even outright mentioned) that the main reason Cyclonis became this way is because her entire family has done this for generations so she didn’t really have much of a choice but to become a villain herself, Some other things I liked about Cyclonis was how she genuinely cared for her grandmother and how she seemed to have an obsession with her hero counterpart, Piper, both of which made it so that she wasn’t some completely heartless monster. I feel like these little things help distinguish her from other very similar villains of the same type like Darkseid, Megatron, and Palpatine although I like those guys too. Anyway, I do recommend this show to anyone who hasn’t watched it despite its flaws if for no other reason but to simply to see this character. Plus the other villains are fun as well.

Scenes: Storm Hawks
Song: What You Want by Evanescence


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