“Me and My Amazing Body” by Joan Sweeney and illustrated by Annette Cable

Описание к видео “Me and My Amazing Body” by Joan Sweeney and illustrated by Annette Cable

Our study of the human body began with discussing our features and senses at a basic level and has since grown to introduce these young scientists to new information about their skin, their digestive system, their respiratory system, their skeletal system, and sensory input experiences. While young learners are not yet ready to comprehend the complexity and wonder of the human body, their developmentally egocentric nature aligns perfectly with a broad study of themselves inside and out. “Me and My Amazing Body,” by Joan Sweeney and illustrated by Annette Cable, adds to children’s previous knowledge and thinking about their bodies with new vocabulary and information. Notice which aspects or systems your child comments on or asks questions about, and extend the learning from there. Through texts, songs, conversations and experiences, we just might pique the curiosity of a future doctor or scientist!


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