American Football Uganda - US national Dylan Shelley named as the new national team head coach

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The American Football Federation of Uganda (AFFU) has officially announced US national Dylan Shelley as the new national team head coach, starting his work with immediate effect. The development was officially announced yesterday during a media inter-face.
Shelley, 52, takes upon a three-year deal with Uganda’s American Football team and his immediate task at hand will witness developing the skills of the players in tackle and flag football. He will also work hand-in-hand with the local coaches and equip them with more knowledge about American Football.
Shelley will be assisted by Ugandans Joshua Wenowe and Jimmy James Lihuma.
Shelley has played American Football throughout his life span. Upon retirement, he handled St Vincent High School and the Chico State teams.
American Football Federation of Uganda (AFFU) is assembling a formidable team that will be able to compete at the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles city, USA. Uganda will also play Kenya in the Africa Zone series duel this September 2024.


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