7 Powerful Health Benefits of Sambong Leaves & TEA

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7 Health Benefits of Sambong leaves
The sambong plant has a long history of use as a medicinal herb in many parts of Asia including Malaysia, Thailand, China, The Philippines and Vietnam.

The use of the plant in Chinese medicine dates back well over a thousand years. Traditionally, the plant and its leaves have been used to treat a range of conditions including dermatitis, eczema, lumbago, rheumatism and skin injury. It has also been used as an insect repellent. In China, it is also commonly used as an incense owing to its very high levels of essential oils.
The use of sambong in traditional Asian medicine dates back over a thousand years. It has been used for a wide array of conditions. Lets look at some of its best health benefits.
Sambong may be an effective natural remedy for painful kidney stones. According to a recent laboratory study, extracts from the plant may be able to reduce the size of the crystals making them easier to eliminate from the body naturally.

According to the researchers, not only can sambong help treat kidney stones but it may also be useful in preventing their formation.

Sambong contains a number of antioxidants that can help protect the body from disease. According to research, the herb can help bolster the liver’s health and protect it from damage.

One animal study found that sambong could help protect the liver against injury caused by drugs like paracetamol. Another Chinese study also revealed that sambong helped protect against acute liver damage caused by various toxins.

Sambong is packed with various antioxidants that can protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. It is important that we get plenty of antioxidants into our system to help the body prevent disease and protect the cells and DNA from damage.

Sambong has traditionally been used to help treat coughs and colds and various other conditions affecting the respiratory system. It may have expectorant properties meaning that it can help break down the phlegm and mucous that inhibits breathing.

To treat coughs and colds, the leaves are usually used to make a tea.

Sambong has been used traditionally to help relieve pain and inflammation, especially to help treat the symptoms of rheumatism and arthritis.

Unfortunately, there is no modern evidence that the herb is effective for these conditions, but it has been used for hundreds, if not, thousands of years to help relieve pain and inflammation.

Sambong has traditionally been applied topically to wounds and cuts to help them heal faster. This traditional use has gained some support from modern research.

One animal study found that applying oil from sambong to the skin of rats helped wounds heal faster compared with animals in a control group.
Studies also suggest that the plant may have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity that can help heal the wound and prevent infection from taking hold.

As well as its health benefits, sambong has also been used extensively in Asia as to repel pests and insects. Several studies have been done into the repellent effects of the plant and appear to support this traditional use.

The essential oil of the plant has exhibited toxicity against maize weevils while it has also proved to be an effective insecticidal against whitefly and rice blast fungus.

These results suggest that extracts from sambong have significant insect repellent activities and may have potential as natural pesticides.

As well as the uses mentioned in this video, sambong has also been used to treat various other conditions including the following :

Stomach upset and diarrhea.
As a natural diuretic to treat urinary tract and bladder infections.
Headaches and fever.
Oral conditions like toothache and gum infection.
For menstrual pain and for other conditions related to menstruation
For high blood pressure. According to proponents, it may help reduce high blood pressure naturally because of its diuretic actions. However, there is no research into its ability to lower blood pressure.

Sambong is available in a number of different supplementary forms including capsules, tablets and powders. It is traditionally used in the form of a tea or decoction made from the dried or fresh leaves.

There is no recommended dose but if you are using sambong in supplementary form, make sure that you follow any dosage instructions on the label carefully.

Sambong leaves can also be used to make a poultice to treat arthritis and rheumatism, back pain or headaches.
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And I’m sure you’re going to enjoy this next video on 6 Incredible Health Benefits of Drinking GUYABANO LEAVES TEA
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