Single-use perfusion bioreactor "3D Perfuse" for tissue and tumor engineering

Описание к видео Single-use perfusion bioreactor "3D Perfuse" for tissue and tumor engineering

Single-use, perfusion bioreactor "3D Perfuse" (Innovation Center of the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia) is designed for 3D cell and tissue cultures for applications in tissue and tumor engineering as well as for physiologically relevant biomaterial characterization under continuous medium flow. It is packed sterile, easy to assemble by scientists without technical expertise, and suitable for utilization of porous cylindrical scaffolds of different sizes as well as fibrous or particulate scaffolds and biomaterials.

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Protočni bioreaktor “3D Perfuse” za jednokratnu upotrebu (Inovacioni centar Tehnološko-metalurškog fakulteta, Beograd, Srbija) namenjen je za 3D kulture ćelija i tkiva za primenu u inženjerstvu tkiva i tumora, kao i za fiziološki relevantnu karakterizaciju biomaterijala pri kontinualnom protoku medijuma. Sterilno je zapakovan tako da ga lako sastavljaju i istraživači bez tehničke ekspertize, a pogodan je za primenu cilindričnih poroznih uzoraka biomaterijala različitih veličina, kao i za pakovane slojeve čestica ili vlakana.

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