The Coffee Song by Sherry Blevins and the West Virginia ACDA Junior High All-State Honor Choir

Описание к видео The Coffee Song by Sherry Blevins and the West Virginia ACDA Junior High All-State Honor Choir

I'm so excited you've decided to share this song with your students! It was composed in a true spirit of fun after a very long rehearsal day. When the All-State Choir would seem tired or like they needed a break, I would ask them if they needed some coffee. Near the end of our rehearsal time on the day before the concert, I realized that we would have about 45 minutes left, but the students already knew all of their music. So, on a whim I asked if they wanted to compose a song together and they all yelled, "YES!!!" I asked what we should write about and various students shared their ideas. One suggested "Coffee!" and we all laughed. Another had a more serious take and asked if we could write about depression. Then I suggested that we combine the two and I sang the first line that you see in "The Coffee Song"... "When I wake up in the morning and turn on my T.V., everything is so depressing..." Then I asked students to come up with the next line. One student sang, "But then I get my coffee and everything is right." The next line came later, but meanwhile, the singers continued brainstorming. Many great ideas were being generated, but one alto in particular raised her hand and I asked her to sing her idea. She came up with the chorus that you see in the song! This may eventually turn into a full-fledged piece, but for now I think it could work in one, two, or three of the following scenarios:
1. This would make a great warmup song. Teach the top line (which is the melody) first and then model how to find the lower harmonies beginning with alto, and lastly, adding the cue notes for the lowest voices if you like. 2. I've provided the song in many keys so that you may improvise on the chords without having to transpose. This could also be a good sightsinging opportunity since DO moves up by a step for each version. Since the rhythm is pretty advanced, I would only recommend having students analyze the solfege. If you have another piece of repertoire in one of these keys, showing this song first could be a great introduction to learning the key signature and how to find DO, etc.
3. If you'd like to get creative, once students can sing this, have them brainstorm a new verse 2 with orignal lyrics, but using the same melody. Have fun with it and let them show their sense of humor! If they come up with something good, share it with me and let me know who to credit. Perhaps it will end up published!

Please record and share freely on social media, in concert, or wherever you like! Please tag me on social media if you do and share our story. If you prefer, my email is [email protected]. If you'd like to work on a composing project with me or have me teach your colleagues how to compose with their students, just reach out! Kids love to compose!!! I hope you enjoy this wonderful, caffeinated creation!!! - Sherry Blevins


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