Gloucester & Rockport in Cape Ann, Massachusetts. One of my happy places, full of history & culture

Описание к видео Gloucester & Rockport in Cape Ann, Massachusetts. One of my happy places, full of history & culture

Come along for a walking tour of one of my favorite places, the Cape Ann area of Massachusetts on the North Shore. A place of such significance for some many groups; Italian, Irish and Portuguese are the most prevalent in Gloucester. Rockport once held a significant Finnish population along with the fore mentioned. Cape Ann’s fishing heritage is no small thing either, with large fisheries taking up prominent space here due to the quality tuna and lobster among other bounty. I’ll show you where to eat, shop and what iconic and historic sites are not to be missed. From downtown to the Harbor Walk, fishing docks and over to beautiful Rockport, we cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time. Of course we have a lot of fun too.
You never know what will happen on That History Chick!
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