The Adventure Zone Animatic - This is it

Описание к видео The Adventure Zone Animatic - This is it

The Adventure Zone:
Griffin's Soundcloud:   / griffinmcelroy  
My Tumblr:   / avafaidian  

This sure got away from me at the end there.

I wanna say a HUGE thanks to everyone who came down to the Adventure Zone meetup at Afest in August! I received a ton of signatures for a special thanks, and though a few folks were left off because some names I couldn't quite make out and didn't want to misspell, I still appreciate everybody's support nonetheless!

I also mentioned compiling everyone's names when I brought up animating the ending--though due to a lot of schedule interference with other projects I'm keeping on top of, that's something I don't believe I'll ultimately have time for. So I placed everyone's thanks here, and spruced this animatic up because it's likely the last of TAZ I'll be animating (aside from their new TAZ-related experiments because I sense those will be ripe veins haha)

Until then, thanks everybody for the unfathomable love and support! TAZ got me places I don't think I couldn't have achieved on my own and I met so many cool folks through it. Sorry this took forever but you can count on more from me soon.


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