Episode 27. NZ Needs a Younger Church (with Jake Mulder, Laura Hewett, Mike Crudge)

Описание к видео Episode 27. NZ Needs a Younger Church (with Jake Mulder, Laura Hewett, Mike Crudge)

The recent Church Life Survey revealed a disturbing truth about the New Zealand church: it’s ageing. Why is that a problem, and more importantly, what can we do to reverse that trend? Rosie is joined by Jake Mulder (author of Growing Young) Laura Hewett (youth pastor) and Mike Crudge (Baptist Union comms director)  to discuss helping churches to “grow young” by attracting young people. Get inspired about engaging younger generations to ensure that the Kiwi church survives and even thrives in the future. (Pssst! If your church didn’t participate in the Church Life Survey this time, let them know you want to do it next time—the greater the participation, the better the data! And if you want to read more of Mike’s musings on the survey, check out https://baptist.nz/church-life-survey...)


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