Unexpected Encounters With a Bear. Hungry Bears Attack Cities And Villages.

Описание к видео Unexpected Encounters With a Bear. Hungry Bears Attack Cities And Villages.

A chance encounter with a bear does not bode well for you.
City dwellers, leaving the house are unlikely to expect to meet a bear.
But time, naturally, makes its own adjustments.
Now the bear has become a frequent visitor to cities.
Today, you don’t have to go into the forest to see a bear.
The bear will come to you itself.
But what attracts bears to cities?
Why did they lose their natural fear of humans?
According to zoologists, bears visit there in search of food.
They follow the smell of food and in cities it is relatively easily available.
But, of course, food is not the only reason why bears run into cities.
Young bears are looking for new territories to live in so inexperienced young animals can often wander into the city for a while.
So, citizens, the time has come for you to learn the rules of conduct when meeting a bear.


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