How to use the beauty product pipette hygienically.

Описание к видео How to use the beauty product pipette hygienically.

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Hey Beauty Singers, you may have seen many influencers on various social media platforms, and maybe even the general public, take a pipette to their face a squirt a load of oil all over it, or even foundation and think it's the normal, or even correct way to utilise the tool and the product. If I did this to a client, it't not professional, and whilst studying any facial massage courses, I simply wouldn't qualify.

I get it, what you do behind your closed door is up to you, BUT, would you rather spend more, or save more? Would you prefer to cut your product's shelf life or extend it? Do you prefer hygiene over bacteria?

It drives me bonkers when I see 'influencers' or 'paid partnerships' touching their pipette to their face...Eeek!

Want to know more? Check out the video and yes, I have added my dramatic self to the pot, cos that's how much it annoys me!

If you're totally confused about skincare, how to use it, what's your skin type and so forth, grab your free download via the links added to this channel or the comment area.

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Enjoy, Sun, ☀️🧡


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