Closing Keynote | The Two Futures of Customer Engagement

Описание к видео Closing Keynote | The Two Futures of Customer Engagement

There is a real Y in the road coming for B2B companies. It’s driven by the sustainability (or lack thereof) of the dominant customer engagement models we embrace today. Most B2B companies, the old ones AND the new ones, are struggling in their efforts to truly innovate their operating models. They are carrying too much baggage - high labor costs, slow time to customer value, under-responsive customer service - into a future that just won’t stand for it. In business markets like high tech, industrial equipment, medical devices and more, leading companies are hesitating to take the steps necessary to truly change how they build, market, sell and service their solutions, even though the technologies are out there to enable the changes NOW. That is what digital transformation is supposed to be all about. In this session, we will examine why the hard decisions your company must make at this important juncture are going to be central to the future of your stock price. We will look at what the options are and who will be impacted by the direction your company takes.


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