Killing Floor | Synth Blues cover Skip James song

Описание к видео Killing Floor | Synth Blues cover Skip James song

Performed mostly live on a kind of modern Moog modular. This version of Hard Time Killing Floor Blues is a tad more sombre and massively more bassey, using a lot of MoogerFoogers.

Shot on camera phones (one of which ran out of battery! Argh) and edited in After Effects.

Played on an Akai MPC1000 running JJOS2XL, sequencing a Moog Voyager RME and sending lots of drum samples through Mooger Fooger guitar pedals. Recorded onto 4 track cassette tape using a Tascam 424 (not in shot). Eventide Space on aux send and vocals through a MoogerFooger MF104Z Delay.

Mixed in Reaper and mastered in Izotope Ozone 5.

If you have any suggestions for what songs to cover next. Let me know in the comments...


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