Trains at Carlisle Station, WCML Incl: Charters & Azuma Diverts - 14/09/2024

Описание к видео Trains at Carlisle Station, WCML Incl: Charters & Azuma Diverts - 14/09/2024

This Video is Property of MT Productions – Feel Free to Tag Along for the Ride!

2160p 4K HD!

Hello everyone, MT here with the usual trainspotting action! Back on the rails at Carlisle Station on the West Coast Mainline and on East Coast annual engineering periods with the section between Newcastle and Edinburgh closed, diverting their services via Carlisle to reach Scotland. Also there to shoot two rail tours coming into the station, one hauled by GBRF diesels and the other being the Northern Belle hauled by classic steam engine. Other than that, there’s the usual West Coast intercity traffic and local Northern commuters. The only thing that lacked within the two hours’ time there was the number of freight that appeared (only one). But hopefully, you are will enjoy this at least!

Trains featured:
Avanti West Coast Pendolino’s
LNER Azuma’s
Transpennine Express ‘Nova 2’ 397’s & ‘Nova 1’ 802217
Northern Trains 156’s & 158’s
GBRF 57310 & 66756 hauling ‘The Eastriggs Eloper’
34067 ‘Tangmere’ & WCR 47802 hauling Northern Belle
DRS 88010

0:00 – Intro
0:27 – Northern 156443 arriving from Newcastle
1:11 – TPE 397007 with service to Glasgow from Manchester
2:15 – GBRF 66756 moving into sidings
3:00 – LNER Azuma’s arriving on diversion to Edinburgh
4:27 – DRS 88010 passing through with Tesco train to Mossend
6:07 – TPE 397003 departing for Manchester Airport
6:41 – GBRF 57310 arriving with charter to Eastriggs
7:59 – GBRF 66756 arriving into station from sidings
9:06 – Avanti Pendolino departs for Euston from Glasgow
10:05 – Northern 156423 terminating from Sellafield
10:55 – Pendolino departs for Euston while Azuma leaves for King’s Cross
12:43 – Northern 156440 & 158851 arriving from Newcastle
13:30 – Northern 158757 terminating from Leeds
14:09 – TPE 802217 arriving with service to Edinburgh from Manchester
15:00 – Northern 158815 departs for Newcastle
15:36 – LNER Azuma arrives with Edinburgh service
16:51 – TPE 397008 departs for Manchester
17:14 – 34067 ‘Tangmere’ with WCR 47802 terminating with charter from Liverpool
18:28 – Azuma departs while Pendolino arrives
18:54 – Pendolino arriving with service to Glasgow
20:05 – Northern 158850 terminating from Newcastle
20:34 – Pendolino leaves for Euston
21:20 – Northern 156472 arriving from Whitehaven
22:16 – WCR 47802 & 34056 ‘Tangmere’ moves away to sidings
23:39 – Pendolino arriving with Edinburgh service
24:34 – Scotrail 156’s depart for Dumfries
25:11 – End Card

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#trains #trainspotting #Carlisle #railway #station #train #rails #WestCoastMainline #WCML #transport #transportation #AvantiWestCoast #Pendolino #Azuma #LNER #LondonNorthEasternRailway #Class390 #steamengine #railtour #special #Class57 #Class800 #Class801 #34067tangmere #WestCoastRailways #Class47 #diesel #electric #locomotive #dieselmultipleunit #electricmultipleunit #intercity #express #commuter #freight #NorthernTrains #TranspennineExpress #DirectRailServices #Class88 #Class397 #Nova2 #Nova1 #tracks #platform #passengers #England #UnitedKingdom #GreatBritain #UKrailtours #NorthernBelle


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